Monday, February 9, 2009

an ending with no conclusion

today i had a very serious conversation with one of my best friends. it was through aim, which is where i can have all my serious conversations (not aim in particular but writing, i.e text, message, aim....etc)
ANYWAYS, he and i were talking about our group, our lunch group, and he and i were discussing on maybe...
idk how to put this
okay here ill start over
with my friends
all my friends i have had since freshman year, the whole table( thats what we call each other "the table" excuse our lack of creativity..) , us we have been friends since freshman year and i love them, they were the first group (large group) of friends ive ever had who i felt i belonged with... but theres always been a sense of not belonging....okay so im being redundant , but the belonging feeling was because they were all crazy, immature,vulgar,stupid and just they were like me, when it came to movies, music, sense of humor, view on life, view on school, EVERYTHING, but see the thing is with every single one of them they each have at least one person from their middle school/elementary  but me, i have no one from my school. which i never minded but this year ive noticed it, because the table didnt become the table till this year, before i was friends with all of them and they were friends with eachother but we werent an exclusive bunch of friends till this summer drew us closer and then as upper classmen took our rightful place at a table and now we are officially one group of friends. and with that ive felt not out casted or left out, well not all the time... but there are a lot of those times where i feel that way. and the friend i was talking to also feels the same for he was a new student in the middle of fresh year and has no one from his former school just like me.  and then i was discussing a group of friends i just got. my foursome
start over again on this part.
so in drama i have met 3 of the greatest people ever. and just like with "the table" i have a belonging with them, because the 4 of us are alike in many ways, but the difference is is i dont feel lonely with them, when the 4 of us are together i dont have time to think of other friends im with them and we all hang out perfectly. i dont know how to explain it. which makes it sooooooo much harder for me to hang out with the table, now lunch is a chore just because i wish i could be with the other 3....
have i grown out of my other friends?
or is it just that i have new friends and they are soo new i love them?
or is it maybe these are ...
this blog has concluded with no conclusion